Saiful Bouquet served as the prime consultant to the University of California, Riverside (UCR) to perform a campus-wide Seismic Safety Audit as part of the UC Seismic Program that aims to provide systemwide seismic safety for all UC system buildings by end of year 2030.  The Seismic Safety Audit divided all of the more than 500 buildings within the UCR campus into three groups.

As prime consultant, Saiful Bouquet was responsible for performing ASCE 41-17 Tier I seismic evaluations for 287 separate building structures in the first two groups with evaluations completed within approx. 4 months of time.  The buildings evaluated were constructed anywhere from the early 1900’s to the 1980’s and included construction types consisting of non-ductile reinforced concrete, structural steel, masonry, wood and aluminum construction.  As part of the Tier I evaluations, the buildings were rated according to the UC Seismic Safety Policy and discussion with UC Seismic Advisory Board, and high-level conceptual seismic retrofit schemes and corresponding structural narratives were developed to assist in understanding the seismic retrofit costs and prioritizing mitigation strategies.  The third and final group of buildings includes an additional 229 buildings still to be evaluated.

Based on priorities established from the first two groups of Tier 1 seismic evaluations and ratings, Saiful Bouquet performed ASCE 41-17 Tier 3 seismic evaluations for the first five buildings: Athletic Dance, Spieth Hall North Wing, Spieth Hall South Wing, Rivera Library Unit 1 and Webber Hall, to further develop the conceptual retrofit schemes and help UCR secure state funding for the retrofit of these buildings.