Saiful Bouquet provided structural engineering services for the East County Detention Center project, which is a 460,000 sq. ft. replacement and expansion of the existing Indio Jail Facility located in Riverside County, CA. The project will add 1,250 new beds to replace the existing 353 bed facility.  Due to site limitations, a portion of the existing jail will be demolished to allow for construction of the replacement facility.  The remaining existing facility will remain operational during the construction until operations can be relocated into the new buildings.  The remaining portion of the existing jail will be demolished after operations have moved to the new building.

The project consists of two structurally separated buildings, the Housing and Support buildings.  The four level plus mezzanine Housing building comprises two polygonal “pods” constructed of cast-in-place concrete, on a pile foundation.  Inmate cells will be constructed with prefabricated steel wall panels.  The two-story plus basement Support and Administration building will house intake and release, sheltered housing, health services, transport, warehouse, video visitation and administrative uses.  The Support and Administration building will also be constructed of cast-in-place concrete, with a spread footing foundation.